Tag Archives: avatar

Aang (season 1-2)

A fun-loving kid who got a terrifying responsibility thrust on him, Aang was frozen in ice for over a hundred years. He was discovered and rescued by the siblings Sokka and Katara, and now seeks to learn the bending arts and have lots of fun doing it!

Avatar State 3
Airbender plus more 2
Horsing Around 1

Continue reading Aang (season 1-2)

Toph Bei Fong

Her personal history is quite eventful.

Noble 3 (and not just by birth, either; she just prefers acting tough most of the time)
Earthbending Prodigy 2
Earth-Sense 1 (She “sees” with her feet through earthbending, but she’s still blind)

[ ] Breaking rules (Reroll)
[ ] Metalbender (Effect 2)
[ ] …of the Bei Fong family (Change one die to 5)
[ ] Anecdote bonus

I don’t think I can imagine a better system for this.